A'ar Quintas The Destroyer Inferno
by Shawn Dall
Original - Not For Sale
Not Specified
6640.000 x 5400.000 pixels
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A'ar Quintas The Destroyer Inferno
Shawn Dall
Digital Art - Digital
The full version of A'ar quintas has been combined! At 6640 x 5400 pixels this is a giant to behold! Entirely done in MS Paint, this baby took 2-3 weeks to finish. It is a giant collossal space dragon.
A'ar quintas is what occurs when a being is pushed too far and all of their negativity coalesces into a monster. Before Crai'riain had the crystal city his mother had had him take over in the city of nastros for her. A crystalline city in the heaven realms. They made him do terrible things there, make weapons of war to fight in giant realm wars. Eventually they expected more than he could give, and so he turned to a being - the abysmal demon of hair - who taught him to tap into the shadow darkness within, and call forth the shadows to him.
When in the next realm war Crai called upon this - but there was so much anger and darkness within him he called it from every corner there was and it coalesced around him, materializing like an akira like monstrosity of shifting and mutating flesh, which above that solidified dark gunmetal greyish blue armor plating. It looked like venom from spiderman in armor, and it was vast vast in size - it could gnaw on planets. It's said its scream was unbearable to hear, like a million angry abominations screaming at once.
The darkness was too much and this new being was rendered insane, and from its mouth came forth destruction - and from its body flew spawn that destroyed their enemies utterly. Anare'il was one of these enemies but was able to avoid destruction, and this caused a chase with this being chasing him all over, shooting pure energy from its mouth, destroying everything that came within the beams path, eventually causing Anare'il to retreat.
This would cause problems down the line as Anare'il now saw crai as a ticking timebomb.That needed to be dealt with. When done this being then turned its gaze onto the light, for pushing him to do this, and attacked them next. The rest gets hazy but it is said that god itself had to intervene and subdue the creature - and all that is remembered is a blinding light engulfing him. Crai'riain was left much diminished after this and had to work his way back up.
Things were never quite the same with him after in the heaven realms, and it is unknown whether he was exiled to the area of space he was in, but it was said Crai'riain begged to be reinstated somewhere else, most likely out of hatred for those people whose ideologies he so diametrically opposed. Regardless relations between him and both the heaven realms and the twisted realms were forever strained after that.
Progress has slowly been made over time, but nobody forgets the awesome destructive power of A'ar Quintas, the dragon of destruction, and the fact they were all powerless to stop him. A very scary angry being, with lots of very scary teeth and claws. This is its final form - out in space in the grand battle that both created and ended him.. find more at https://www.chronriddles.com/thechronaverse
June 21st, 2023
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