Air Razor

by Shawn Dall
Original - Not For Sale
Not Specified
8950.000 x 5217.000 pixels
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Air Razor
Shawn Dall
Digital Art - Digital Art
The SECOND of the new Spawn of A'ar Quintas! This being was killed in battle, and his rage was reborn with new powers! Powerful air razor wing blade attacks, horns and sharp teeth! But with A'ar Quintas there must be a price to pay. In this case it lost is mech armor, but gained speed and agility!
Myn-jyrre (experimental creature) was a sea draconian that was infected by an alien parasite and became monstrous. The draconian armada modified him with a mech suit and performed surgery on him to give him more semblance of a regular draconian, but the other draconians in the armada did not trust him. Eventually they betrayed him and killed him and left him adrift in space, where his soul festered for eons. When the darkness was pulled together into A'ar Quintas this being was pulled along with it and A'ar Quintas analyzed his strengths and weaknesses and rebirthed him out with some semblance of his original powers. Originally he had fins on his arms and body and could cut through the sea like a knife - so he made his body more streamlined and gave his wing blades sharp edges so he could cut through the air like he could cut through the sea, giving him the nickname "Air Razor". In return his bio-mechanical armor was taken away, as it was no longer needed. He retained the double tails from his original surgery though, of what were originally the alien parasite tentacles, repurposed. This was the price paid for coming back to life, although at a cost of always being loyal and subservient to his new father, A'ar Quintas, and being connected to its hive mind. He is of the specialty air strike class, and equipped with speed to lead it. He led his own armada of misfits.
He would approach a world and fly over the armies dealing sonic devastation with gusts formed by his wing blades, which cut like blades. He lacks as much armor as others to allow him to be more aerodynamic. He would then help others who were wingless hitch a ride to the next world by flinging them up to others, sometimes sending them careening through wormholes to the next world.
When A'ar Quintas was obliterated by the powers that be in the end, Myn-jyrre, being one of his most loyal lieutenants, was vaporized along with him.. but the alien parasite taint had not fully been removed from him, as it binds to every cellular structure, and thus, reduced to a shadow once more, he persisted in shadow format, existing as the shadow of the remnants of A'ar Quintas that fled. He currently awaits healing from Crai'riain, contained in a massive spherical glasslike orb that contains the majority of A'ar Quintas' twisted essence. His alien infested cells means that his body, with enough time, could reform once more, as his soul exists out in the void.. somewhere... rebuilding itself.. his current whereabouts are unknown with only his shadow accounted for.
Skills Gained:
Increased strength in bite and punch
The Ability to survive in the Vacuum of space
Rebirth from the dead
Thicker Armor/Horns
Beam breath (minor)
Increased speed and Agility - being able to slice through the air with wing edges
Reinforced Wings
Skills lost
Mech Armor
Singular consciousness - now part of a Hive Mind
December 29th, 2023
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