Chaos Dragon fact vs fiction

by Shawn Dall
Original - Not For Sale
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2666.000 x 1834.000 pixels
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Chaos Dragon fact vs fiction
Shawn Dall
Digital Art - Pencil & Digital
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A sketch I did of Anare'il the Dragon of Chaos.. The fot by his claw is a little girl, to show scale.. he's the size of a city.
This sketch took almost 10 years off and on to finish. It was in rather poor shape originally so extensive repair work and shading contrast was done to bring it up to current standards. Started in 2004 ended in 2013.
He is entirely black and white, with reptilian eyes, 3 horns on his head, and retractable snake-like fangs and lots and lots of teeth. His body is covered in both plate armout and fur, and his wings are composed of a combination of black sinew and white skin. His tail is very long and has black razor sharp spikes running down the length of it. He also has armor plates running along his belly. His neck has a lot of glowing coals and has 3 row of spines running along it. A rather clever and powerful beast in the end.
Spiritually this is the higher self of a being that caused me much strife in the past - we have since settled our difference and he no longer uses this form - but it is a powerful reminder of the corrosive power of chaos. This image splashes some colour onto it and gives it an even more sinister unsettling feeling than the original pencil one had - that bone glowing ice white colour with the fire of chaotic energy glowing within - cruel cold and unpredictable. These ones face each other - the fact of colour vs the fiction of pencil.
listen to my music!
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0uF8Km0k15T0yo6XdhU6qN?si=ucBMgid4TvqCGM05i5AIHw
Bandcamp: https://bandcamp.com/chronamut
April 27th, 2015
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