Cosmic Medallians RGB 1

by Shawn Dall
Cosmic Medallians RGB 1
Shawn Dall
Digital Art - Digital - Fractal
Apophysis fractal art takes the space dust of pixels and with the grace of thee painter is coaxed and sculpted into the complex patterns seen amidst these fractals. These fractals differ from other fractals as they are nor spiralling, but more kaleidoscopic and 3-dimensional in their recurring patterns. Combined with space elements and other smaller fractals and external elements these fractals burn with a passion within their cosmic setting. These compilations are quite large and thus are perfect for office settings, centerpieces, and anywhere else you wish to make a giant impact. The bigger the image, the more details are visible.
this image contains 3 slight variations of my medallion fractal, combined with a red green and blue additional fractal in the background, with a slight backdrop of stars and smaller yellow medallions.
March 31st, 2013
Comments (3)

Barbara McMahon
Beautiful work Shawn! The detail is amazing! Well done! v
Shawn Dall replied:
thank you! The original was actually bigger but I thought the limit was 7200 so I shrunk it.. apparently you can go even wider than that now... crazy! these turned out really amazing in their symmetry so I am glad :)