by Shawn Dall
Shawn Dall
Painting - Pencil & Watercolour
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This is a cross between a gremlin and a devil - the grevil is stalking you, reaching out its clawed hand to strike. This is done entirely with pencil except for a white gloss over shading of white watercolour which bringss out the blue graphite undertones, and red and yellow and white watercolour for the eyes. No blue is used in this painting.
January 29th, 2013
Comments (2)
Barbara McMahon
Shawn, Having recently seen this fantastic work in person I was astounded at the movement, action and the leap off the canvas qualities of this artwork!!! Wonderful drawing skills, shading and concept! Well done! v/f/g+
Shawn Dall replied:
thank you very much Barbara! As they say, a picture's worth a thousand words! Hopefully someone will buy it! :)
Olaf Del Gaizo
Ha! A cross between a gremlin and a devil, eh? Creepy! Good perspective, as our grevil is crawlin' closer... voted.
Shawn Dall replied:
yeah I debated the pointy tail but I thought that might make him too devily looking hehehe.. thanks! And lol you said eh, that's our word! ;)