Redeemed Golden Ogre

by Shawn Dall
Original - Not For Sale
Not Specified
8950.000 x 5217.000 pixels
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Redeemed Golden Ogre
Shawn Dall
Digital Art - Digital Art
A majestic leonine-like humanoid ogre gazing fiercely is depicted against a backdrop of stars and clouds in the sky. His mane is lush and golden, flowing smoothly with several braids, while a classic white garment drapes over one shoulder, showcasing his purity and purging of all evil. His face still show signs of his ogre heritage but now has a beauty it lacked before. This is the redeemed golden ogre - his beauty and purity from within starting to reflect back on his outside, slowly lifting the curse originally befallen upon him. Perhaps one day he will retain his beautiful form as a high ogre, or even as an angelic high ogre, albeit with a few modifications for bulk and size.
April 14th, 2024