Self Portrait The Native Within Me

by Shawn Dall
Original - Not For Sale
Not Specified
1600.000 x 1600.000 inches
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Self Portrait The Native Within Me
Shawn Dall
Photograph - Photography
Celebrating the native genes within me - even though I am part south american native braids hold a deep spiritual mean, representing unity of thought.
As a spiritual leader I am told that my eyes are my most arresting feature, as is my hair. I take pride in keeping my hair long, as it represents my connection to the earth. When one tries to stamp out a cultures identity they often do so by cutting their hair - I refuse to allow that to happen. No matter how much I am ridiculed for it I shall keep myself how I wish to look.
Now is the time to stand for our beliefs, and stand strong! To love, not hate, and to be ourselves.
On the ends I added a celtic knot type design I did years ago - just add a little subtlety to it all :)
enjoy :)
December 8th, 2015
Comments (3)

VIVA Anderson
Stunning subject ! Stunning presentation...........f.v..........VIVA
Shawn Dall replied:
Aww thank you - I wanted to make the expression very intense but calm at the same time - a silent pride :)