Sunset Aurora

by Shawn Dall
Original - Not For Sale
Not Specified
8950.000 x 5217.000 pixels
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Sunset Aurora
Shawn Dall
Digital Art - Digital Art
This radiant female is neither human nor elf, but an ancient race known as the high Ogres - more beautiful than both, at least until their fall from grace, cursing them to have the ugliness in their hearts reflect on their physical form, turning them into the lowly ugly ogres we know today. This one is more pale skinned, although they usually have more gemlike hues to their skin. This one has a fiery red mane.
September 23rd, 2023
Comments (4)

Shawn Dall
This piece has been featured in: BEDROOM ART GALLERY: https://fineartamerica.com/groups/-bedroom-art-gallery-.html

Shawn Dall
This piece has been featured in: Digital art: https://fineartamerica.com/groups/20-digital-art.html

Gary F Richards
Spectacular Sunset Aurora composition, lighting, shading, excellent colors and artwork! F/L voted
Shawn Dall replied:
thank you very much! Be sure to check out the chronaverse game where you can evolve arts into other cool arts :) https://www.chronriddles.com/Thechronaverse/collections/game-i.html