The Snail

by Shawn Dall
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The Snail
Shawn Dall
Painting - Indian Inks On Paper
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My first coloured chaos drawing.. done by closing your eyes scribbling pure emotion through your arm onto the page, opening your eyes and fleshing out what you see. The interesting thing about this method is there are so many lines that you literally don't know the end result until it is finished - so here you go - "the snail" :)
there are many interesting details about the snail. the first one is the snail possesses the most contrast so it is what your eye is automatically drawn to.. and then your eye wanders INTO the painting as there is much depth.. winding along many many paths that wind and twist, only differentiated by their colours and patterns. On the bottom left there is a field of psychadelic flowers and to the right a field with many tiny men all hanging out, climbing the rainbow road, and swimming in the bubble stream.
This painting throws perspective out the window.. with trees popping out of nowhere and growing out and through each other.. giving a glass-like feeling to some of it. Giant flowers spring up around the snail and giant blades of what seem like grass.. with tubes that feed life giving nutrients to the entire scenario.. often looking like roads flowing through these blades. To the bottom left there are blue and red 'veins" - much like the chamber s of the heart pumping life blood throughout the system. In it's chaos there is much bizarre and strange order, as well as a twising spiralling feeling throughout the entire picture. No colour was not used in this painting.
Paradoxically a tree grows out of the shell of the snail. Many branches morph to form roads and pathways.. a truly organic systam. White and orange flowers bloom on opposite ends, balancing the painting out.
This painting was made using indian inks.
March 11th, 2013
Comments (8)

Constance Lowery
excellent design, very beautifully done. L/F
Shawn Dall replied:
thank you! It's chaos art - you draw it witth your eyes closed then flesh out the results, being sure to only use the lines that are there :)

Linton Hart
Captivating art Shawn & very different. It's great to come across real natural talent. f/v from me.

Barbara McMahon
Absolutely fantastic work Shawn! Beautiful three dimensional approach within all that movement. Such fun exploring! Love this chaos art! v/f
Shawn Dall replied:
more to come! I got 2 more in the works :) and thank you - yeah I don't even know how it will turn out until I finish colouring it so it's just as much a surprise to me as it is to you! :)