Ascending Ogre
by Shawn Dall
Original - Not For Sale
Not Specified
8950.000 x 5217.000 pixels
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Ascending Ogre
Shawn Dall
Digital Art - Digital Art
Nobody said that the life of an ogre had to remain an ogre forever. This ogre, due to his focus on serving the light and renouncing the actions that caused his original fall from the High Ogre race has started to purge the energy from him that caused the original corruption. He will, however, never retain the slender powerful wondrous form that he once had, and instead will retain his brutish hulking form. This is the first ogre to evolve along the line of redemption - patient zero if you will. The ogre color has drained from his appearance, replaced with a more earthy like tone. His features have started to soften to what we would recognize as a more human look, although he still has the demonic looking ears of the ogre, the glowing eyes of corruption and some brutish features like his tusks and orcish armor that is slowly transforming. It is an encouraging sign for this race!
January 26th, 2024