King Crai'riain

by Shawn Dall
Buy the Original Painting
3330.000 x 3330.000 pixels
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King Crai'riain
Shawn Dall
Painting - Watercolours
Crai'riain, god of reason and adaptability.. guards the free realms and lives in the skining hope of unity, a crystalline city in the sky that brings knowledge to all. Half elven, half draconian, he used his power to grow wings.
from level 5: go here: https://thechronriddles.createaforum.com/ - search for the entity archives in the archives..
February 4th, 2013
Comments (4)

Barbara McMahon
Wow Shawn! I viewed the front perspective! Very nice!
Shawn Dall replied:
thank you! The front perspective is gonna take forever to finish because of all that hair hahaha..

Barbara McMahon
Fabulous work Shawn! Awesome wings! v
Shawn Dall replied:
thank you! you can view progress on him frontal view here: https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc1/580203_10151721117130661_1862318761_n.jpg