King Crai'riain Portrait

by Shawn Dall
Original - Not For Sale
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3909.000 x 2543.000 pixels
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King Crai'riain Portrait
Shawn Dall
Painting - Oil And Watercolour And Pencil On Paper
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I have been working on this for over a year now - as a spiritual leader I possess what is termed a "higher self" - a being that incarnates part of its energy here to perform a task while it still exist on higher dimensions. For me this is that being - crai'riain the half elven half draconian king.
Originally called Crethis Starflower Liun, Crai'riain is a title given to him which means "enlightened archer" - crai'riain, or crai for short, rules kingdom called "Ahn Riot Ten" - translated as the shining hope of unity - a city of enlightenment where beings can study the wonders of the universe. A shining beacon of crystalline light the city is, and it is reflected within him.
His crown reflects the elements of the sun, with the spires representing the rays of the sun, and the plates depicting the sun rays shining through the clouds with crescent moons.His earrings are crescent moons with a star on one ear, and his ears are elven and pointed. His eyes are also larger and slightly slanted as are the trademark of elves. His eyes are a rich golden green, as is his hair. Elves are evolved out of the fae, and closely ties to the forest. He has evolved to the point where he could grow wings, a sign of freedom on the higher realms.
His facial expression is one of kind and gentle benevolance, as well as a bit of impish quirkiness - reassuring and hopeful.
This is only a portrait shot of him - the original is much bigger but is currently unfinished, but this one focuses more on his face - enjoy! I was told to draw this as an effigy for him, to bring his energy and positivity into this world to help and heal all :)
listen to my music!
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0uF8Km0k15T0yo6XdhU6qN?si=ucBMgid4TvqCGM05i5AIHw
Bandcamp: https://bandcamp.com/chronamut
May 4th, 2014
Comments (1)

Barbara McMahon
Fantastic drawing Shawn! Such wonderful details and colours! l/f
Shawn Dall replied:
thanks - the image is almost done - there is more to it than is shown - it's pencil watercolour and oils