The Fae - Sylvan Creatures of the Forest
by Shawn Dall
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4950.000 x 4203.000 pixels
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The Fae - Sylvan Creatures of the Forest
Shawn Dall
Painting - Watercolour, Oil, Pencil, Ink
A piece I did for a sylvan contest - creatures of the forest - the entire thing is done using watercolour and oil pencilcrayons - this method is very difficult as you cannot layer lighter colours onto darker colours, thus you must work around that handicap. I am also limited by colours, but I do the best I can! I wanted to have a peaceful yet mischievous feel to this piece, wher the background was detailed enough, but not the sole focus - the 3 fae creatures are.
There are also minor fae creatures in this as well - the one on the left looks iup at some air sprites that look back at him inside the sunbeam, while a gnome peeks out fro behind his foot. The one on the right lifts his knee up for a fire sprite to rest on, and stands in front of a faerie ring of flowers behind him. The tree root on the bottom right has an earth elemental face on it, slumbering away..
May 22nd, 2017
Comments (1)
Sharon W
Beautifully fascinating and amazing art! I just started a book on this subject and I am already in another world. A most awesome choice for art and so well done, a wonderful collection!!
Shawn Dall replied:
Thank you very much! I will eventually do more fae but I have so much ground to cover for species that I am doing a tiny bit of everything at a time hehe.. enjoy!