Royal Change of Heart

by Shawn Dall
Original - Not For Sale
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8950.000 x 5217.000 pixels
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Royal Change of Heart
Shawn Dall
Digital Art - Digital Art
An evolution up from high ogress, the green skin disappears and she starts to become good - she still has all the opulence of the high ogres but she's starting to have a change of heart.
February 7th, 2024
Comments (8)

Pat Goltz
Revisiting. This is what I would call wicked beauty. I am glad she changed her heart! And I enjoyed reading your explanation.

Christopher James
Congratulation.....your wonderful work has been featured in the 1000 Views on 1 Image Group ..... Feel free to place your featured image in the Features Archive and any Genre specific Archive l/f/p

Pat Goltz
She's too pretty to be an ogress! I like your reply as well! Maybe the beauty is her turning from evil.
Shawn Dall replied:
The back story of the high ogres is that the ywere created to be the most beautiful and powerful race of spellcasters to ever exist - but this lead them to enslave other races to mine gems and precious metals for them which they then adorned on their bodies - this made them opulent lazy and cruel and their faces displayed a cold beauty devoid of warmth. Eventually they were cursed to have their inner ugliness corrupt their outer beauty and they lost their intelligence and beauty - although a few powerful ones managed to shield themselves and their descendents, the ogre magi retained their intelligence but still lost their beauty and became blue versions of the tusked monstrosities. The white skin toned variations are high ogres that have turned to the side of good BEFORE the curse befalls them, thus escaping their fate.

Sharon W
Exquisite! She is stunning and quite perfect! I loved reading what you wrote in your reply below! Magnificent work.
Shawn Dall replied:
Thank you! The back story of the high ogres is that the ywere created to be the most beautiful and powerful race of spellcasters to ever exist - but this lead them to enslave other races to mine gems and precious metals for them which they then adorned on their bodies - this made them opulent lazy and cruel and their faces displayed a cold beauty devoid of warmth. Eventually they were cursed to have their inner ugliness corrupt their outer beauty and they lost their intelligence and beauty - although a few powerful ones managed to shield themselves and their descendents, the ogre magi retained their intelligence but still lost their beauty and became blue versions of the tusked monstrosities. The white skin toned variations are high ogres that have turned to the side of good BEFORE the curse befalls them, thus escaping their fate.

Constance Lowery
incredibly pretty. L/F
Shawn Dall replied:
Thank you1 It is meant to represent an empire at the height of its power and all the opulence and arrogance that goes with it, but this one is starting to reconsider all of that and turn down a better path - still bedecked in all the lavishness, but thoughts are starting to worm their way in..

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